An Excellent Wife

Published on 9 August 2024 at 15:54

 There has been a lot going on since we arrived here a few weeks ago. There has been a lot of productive conversation about what the future looks like for this small group of believers in Reno where we have less than two weeks left and we are hoping that our time spent with the believers here has provided some amount of encouragement and help to them as they look forward and prayerfully decide how to proceed.

 Lexi spent her Saturday last weekend speaking at their ladies day where she focused on the ongoing transformation that Christian women have been called to and the tension that will naturally occur because you will be running opposed to most of what society is telling you a wife, mother and a woman in general should look and act like. There are a lot of gals here at this congregation and not many men, so it has been a big blessing to have her to be able to visit, share and encourage in areas that I can't.

 And when I say encourage, I don't mean that she throws out fluffy words to make people feel better about themselves, but that she speaks truth and has enough care in her heart for other ladies not to simply to leave them where they are at but to share words that bring a focus back to Christ and the calling that he has for his people.

 It has been a blessing to be married to her for the past 14 years. Witnessing the character of Christ grow within her, seeing her compassion and dedication in working with others, and watching her become the good example she has been for our daughters.  Her vigilance in her roles as a wife and mother have been an encouragement to me and a conviction to be the husband and father daily that I should be, and I can say without a doubt that she has made this journey exponentially easier through her commitment to God’s calling in our home, even when it’s on wheels. She is, without question, an excellent wife.

 Continue to pray for this work as we grow closer to wrapping up the first 6 months and pray for the congregations that we have worked with, that they will focus on glorifying God, being disciples of his son Jesus and making him known to the communities that they are in.

                                                                                    We love you all.

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6 months ago

I heard that her lesson was inspiring. Tell her not to file it away. We want to hear it from her. God bless your good work. Stay strong.