We have been in Colorado for a little over a week now and have had ample time with the church here to get to know some of the folks (though we knew a few already) and for me to teach a couple of mid-week classes. There have been a few headaches here and there having to do with logistics and expenses. We made our way today from our RV park in Loveland up to a KOA in Wellington due to some clerical error with the front desk staff forgetting that we needed more than a week and the rest of the dates being booked out for the rest of September, but God is good, and we are here now and will only need to find a different spot for our last three nights in the area.

Speaking of God being Good, that brings to mind a passage from the Psalms, " O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! O fear the LORD, you, His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no want." Psalm 34:8-9.
This Psalm was written after David feigned madness before Achish King of Gath (you can read about that in 1 Sam 21). David feared what this king might do to him and so he acted like a madman and through this event, God gave a way out. I can work out a picture of this in my mind and it seems more like a slapstick comedy than it does something from scripture.
But the ridiculousness of the situation highlights perfectly that God can deliver through any situation, no matter how crazy it is. If you read that entire 34th Psalm, David is filled with gratitude for the preservation of his life that God provided escape where he thought the only solution was to act like he was dropped on his head as a child.
I have tasted and seen that the LORD is oh so very good, and how much of a blessing it is to have him as my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer. There are definitely days where I am unsure about how things are going to get accomplished, but I remember MY GOD and know that he will provide what is needed, when it is needed and that I only need to keep moving forward following after Him.
Usually, God does this through his people, and I am very thankful to know so many that love and fear the LORD, because it is through them that he reminds me that security does not come from myself or what I can accomplish, but through Him and Him alone.
Thank you to all who have helped and continue to help this work, please continue to keep it and my family in your prayers as we travel down this road.
We love you all!
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